11. Buddhic Consciousness

Buddhic Consciousness

As long as you persist in seeing other beings as separate from you, they will behave as though they are. This is a direct reaction to your viewpoint.

In truth, they could not react to you if they were separate, since a reaction requires a connection. We all must be parts of each other.

In Buddhic consciousness*, it dawns on the individual that it and everything else are aspects of one Self. This is a palpable feeling supported by a constant stream of intuitive knowings. Unselfishness and compassion develop quite naturally in this condition.

Many people think Buddhic consciousness is a myth. But from the buddhic viewpoint, you are a myth. Your personality and life are total inventions... made for the benefit of your real self.

In the ego state, we do not know who we are and attempt to compensate by feigning confidence and seeking control, even convincing ourselves that we are the most advanced form of life in existence.

In current times, our behavior is increasingly becoming like that of sophisticated robots, pressured by economic and social forces to ignore our real feelings. We know that we are unique, but repress our individuality in order to become absolutely predictable in our public lives.

It is only at the Buddhic level that we are able to resist the pressures of the outer world, since we spontaneously know the right actions for our well-being in every moment of our lives. Our behavior now becomes spontaneous and free, a genuine expression of our inner feelings. 

To attain Buddhic consciousness, become self-assured by releasing attachment to the image of your personality. Feel and express true desires without desire, knowing they are life's will for you. Focus on the positive potential of your eternal existence, rather than temporary experiences of limitation. Purify your essential nature by subordinating yourself to the knowing in your heart and become an unselfish force for good.

While it is true that there are those who seek to misinform and control us, we are not victims. We absolutely attract all our experiences and choose what information we believe. It is all a matter of who you allow yourself to become. If you have high expectations for yourself, no outer circumstance can diminish you.

*According to Theosophy, there are 7 levels of consciousness.

The first three are states of ego consciousness: 1) Physical - sense pleasures & survival, 2) Astral - emotional desires & attachments, and 3) Mental - intellect & morality. 

The next three are states of egoless consciousness: 4) Buddhic - spiritual wisdom, 5) Atmic (Nirvanic) - pure love & bliss, and 6) Anapudakic (Monadic) - creative power. 

In this way, our three modes of being (power, love, wisdom) are expressed in both the ego and egoless states of mind.

The seventh level of consciousness, called the Adi state, is the Godhead. It is You, beyond form, the one and only master of all reality.
