13. Atheism


The transition from Christianity to Atheism has been considered, by the Western mind, to be a triumph of reason over superstition and dogma.

Christianity had bound people in blind obedience, feelings of sinfulness, and fear of eternal damnation. But it did remind us of our connection to a higher order of life and promote brotherhood and compassion.

Atheism stripped away our feelings of guilt and fear of God, but has also eliminated much of our sense of community and having purpose in life. Our blind obedience to authority has also merely shifted from the priesthood to professors.

Atheism simultaneously makes people feel insignificant and become egocentric. Our perceived lack of meaning in life and smallness in the universe causes us to feel inconsequential and the imagined lack of a higher intelligence causes us to exaggerate our own importance and superiority.

Atheism is a belief system that is representing itself as a consequence of scientific knowledge. However, science has no explanation for the cause of existence and has not yet even figured out what consciousness is. In truth, most great men of science, such as Tesla, Einstein, and Newton, were deeply spiritual people.

Atheism unscientifically predetermines what it thinks and rejects all evidence to the contrary, thus, creating another form of mental slavery. It has such a hold on the Western mind, that most educated people actually consider it a sign of intelligence to have no belief in a greater intelligence at all. 

But what makes more sense:

1) The universe created itself out of nothing 13.8 billion years ago, by a random accident. It accidentally exploded outwards at such a perfect speed that the universe would neither implode (from gravity) or speed out of control, with a 1 in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion probability of success. Dead, mindless matter organized itself into patterns which eventually formed living organisms that perform meaningful tasks. These self-less life forms somehow became selfish and competitive for survival. In spite of this, they formed elaborate cooperative ecosystems. Humans evolved out of animals by developing self-awareness with thoughts and feelings, which arose out of no-where. Human beings are the highest form of intelligence, on the only planet with intelligent life, in all the billions of galaxies. Humans are masters of the universe and everything exists to serve them. Life has no inherent meaning or purpose. When our bodies die, consciousness ends.*


2) The universe is the conscious expression of a loving, intelligent being. Its parts work in order and harmony because they are attributes of one idea. The cosmos is filled with life on many planes of existence. Higher beings support the progress of lower beings. All beings are aspects of one being, each with essential value to the whole. Life forms manifest to perfectly express our evolving consciousness. Love is the primary motivation. Life is unending.

*Without you, directing the body from within, the body would be without purpose and dissipate. The body cannot create its master, you, for then it would be the master. In the same way, there must be a you within the universal body, directing the universe from within, without which the universe would dissipate.

"I assert that the cosmic religious experience is the strongest and the noblest driving force behind scientific research."  
-Albert Einstein