14. Light and Darkness

Light and Darkness

Why is there so much darkness on Earth?

The answer is very simple... we want it this way.

Have you ever taken pleasure in the thought of someone being harmed or violated? If so, you have darkness in you and are actively co-creating the problems on Earth.

It is common for people to view another person with animosity. It gives us a dark pleasure, a false sense of power to harm that person, which presumably will improve your life. Only, your life is determined by your attitude.*

We all have some degree of darkness in us. The question is: What direction are you heading in? In order to know, it may be helpful to describe the differences between beings predominant in darkness and light.

Dark beings focus on immediate pleasures and blame others for their problems.
Light beings focus on personal development and take full responsibility for their lives.

Dark beings disguise their desires, fearfully manipulating life towards their goals.
Light beings are honest and intimate, faithfully participating with life to achieve their goals.

Dark beings feel superior to others and only consider their own needs.
Light beings realize their equality with people and live for the benefit of all.

Dark beings focus on manifestations (materialism) and do not notice the Tao.
Light beings focus on our essence (spirituality) and observe the Tao everywhere.

Dark beings think our nature is wicked and seek separateness... causing chaos.
Light beings know our nature is divine and seek unity... causing harmony.

We blame a lot of our problems on the darkest beings amongst us. But, if we were to root out the evil within ourselves, we would no longer participate with them and their influence on the world would evaporate.

Only then would we manifest a planetary reality of peace and abundance... a world awakened to the realization that we are creating exactly what we want to experience and always have been. 

*You will become unable to maintain hatred towards others when you realize that every person is another version of you, taking on a different perspective... one sought by our total Self.