20. Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

The Mercury Retrograde cycle is a four-phase relationship with the Sun demonstrating the same exact structure as the four seasons and daily phases.

During the Mercury Retrograde phase, new information is received. It is associated with the 1st half of the Sun’s cycle when it is growing in strength, perceiving and initiating new ideas (Winter-Sleep & Spring-Morning).

During the Mercury Direct phase, decisions are made. It is associated with the 2nd half of the Sun’s cycle when it is receding in strength, results are gained and judgements are concluded (Summer-Afternoon & Fall-Evening).

1. Mercury stationary retrograde is equivalent to the Winter Solstice (Capricorn) and Low Noon (IC), when the Sun starts gaining strength - much ruminating occurs.

2. The first Mercury-Sun conjunction is equivalent to the Spring Equinox (Aries) and Sunrise (Ascendant), when an idea is initiated - the Sun is visible.

3. Mercury stationary direct is equivalent to the Summer Solstice (Cancer) and High Noon (MC), when the Sun’s strength is at its peak - an idea is fully developed.

4. The second Mercury-Sun conjunction is equivalent to the Fall Equinox (Libra) and Sunset (Descendant), when an idea is fulfilled - the Sun becomes invisible and returns home.

*In my statistical study, Mercury was seen to have its most beneficial influence when direct, since its nature is to perceive and communicate information rather than make judgements.

However, Venus, the other planet with a solar-based retrograde cycle, was seen to be most beneficial when retrograde. Venus Direct is when relationships are initiated and Venus Retrograde is when judgements are made about which relationships to establish, which is its goal.