34. Life Cycle


The four zodiac quadrants, through which planets travel and find expression, is a representation of the four major phases of life. The first two quadrants represent the process of developing personal qualities and talents. The last two quadrants represent the process of finding one’s place within the collective and gaining knowledge of life.

The first quadrant, which is composed of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, represents the individual development. Its season is the Spring, which is an expansive time of seeking and growing. In the life cycle, it begins at birth and represents childhood. Childhood lasts 12 years, ending at the first Jupiter return. Each sign in childhood lasts for 4 years: Aries (0-4), Taurus (4-8), Gemini (8-12).

The second quadrant, which is composed of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, represents the personal relations. Its season is the Summer, which is a creative and joyful time of ripening. In the life cycle, it begins at puberty, and represents youth. Youth lasts 18 years, ending at the first Saturn return. Each sign in youth lasts for 6 years: Cancer (12-18), Leo (18-24), Virgo (24-30).

The third quadrant, which is composed of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, represents group activities. Its season is the Fall, which is a time of maturing, gaining influence and insight, and reaping the fruits of one's efforts. In the life cycle, it represents adulthood and begins at the 1st Saturn return when many of us get married, start a family, and pursue a career. Adulthood lasts 30 years, ending at the second Saturn return. Each sign in adulthood lasts for 10 years: Libra (30-40), Scorpio (40-50), Sagittarius (50-60).

The fourth quadrant, which is composed of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, represents issues of universal concern. Its season is the Winter, which is a contemplative and contractive time. In the life cycle, it represents old age, begins at retirement and ends at death. Life's end occurs near the Uranus return and Neptune opposition at age 84. Each sign in old age lasts for 10 years: Capricorn (60-70), Aquarius (70-80), Pisces (80+).

*Aries and Taurus are the dominant signs in the birth charts of people who have 4 or more children. Pisces is the dominant sign for people who live more than 80 years old.