21. Jungian Types

Jungian Types

Human beings express as four distinct types of personalities which reflect the Earth’s four seasons and daily phases. The psychiatrist Carl Jung called them 1) Introverted Perceivers, 2) Extroverted Perceivers, 3) Extroverted Judgers, and 4) Introverted Judgers. 

Perceivers (P) represent the portion of the Earth’s annual and daily cycles when sunlight is increasing and new ideas are forming. Judgers (J) represent the portion of the Earth’s cycles when sunlight is fading and results are reaped. Extroverts (E) represent the portion of each cycle when the Sun is brightest. Introverts (I) represent the portion of each cycle when the Sun is dimmest. (see chart below)

1. Introverted Perceivers are reflections of Winter and sleep-time, when life is at rest. In stillness, they are deeply meditative, conscientious, flexible and relaxed, yet are withdrawn and lack initiative.

2. Extroverted Perceivers are reflections of Spring and morning, when life reawakens. With a burst of energy, they express tremendous enthusiasm for new experiences. They are energetic, optimistic, open-minded and entertaining, yet impatient.

3. Extroverted Judgers are reflections of the Summer and afternoon, when the Sun is brightest. With confidence and determination, they seek social importance and public achievements. They are proactive and purposeful, yet unrelaxed and demanding.

4. Introverted Judgers are reflections of the Fall and evening, when nature’s cycle is concluded. These mature people seek to influence others with their knowledge and wisdom. They are stable, calm, and trustworthy, yet are passive-aggressive and controlling.

Perceiving is receiving information. Judging is interpreting information. All people do both, but we are each focused on one more than the other. Perceivers are mainly concerned with experiencing life, whereas Judgers are mainly concerned with influencing life.

There are two modes of Perception: Sensing (S) and Intuition (N). Sensing dominant people live in the present, mainly perceiving concrete physical reality. Intuition dominant people live in their minds, mainly perceiving inner realities. Sensors are concerned with the experience of phenomena, whereas Intuitives are concerned with the meaning of phenomena.

There are also two modes of Judging: Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Thinking dominant people make judgements based on information and logic. Feeling dominant people make judgements based on personal tastes and values. Thinkers are concerned with understanding the world, whereas Feelers are concerned with connecting to the world.

In systems such as Myers-Briggs*, sixteen types are created by identifying our secondary function. A Perceiving dominant person will have a Judging secondary function and a Judging dominant person will have a Perceiving secondary function.

As a result, there are four elemental types of people who express in each of the four seasonal temperaments: 1) Sensing Feelers (fire) - warm and affectionate, 2) Sensing Thinkers (earth) - practical and realistic, 3) Intuitive Thinkers (air) - logical and inventive, and 4) Intuitive Feelers (water) - creative and insightful. (see chart below)

Therefore, each type is an expression of both a season and an element. For instance, an Introverted Perceiver who is an Intuition dominant Feeler (INFP) is a reflection of Winter and Water. They are calm, reflective people who are also sensitive, imaginative, and insightful. These qualities combine to form a creative, idealistic person who strives for human upliftment.

*The MBTI incorrectly identifies the dominant functions for Introverted types. Due to its extroversion bias, the system uses an introvert’s secondary extroverted function to determine whether a type is perceiving or judging. Thus, causing Introverted Perceiving types to be assigned Judging dominant functions (Introverted Feeling or Thinking) and Introverted Judging types Perceiving dominant functions (Introverted Sensing or Intuition). This is a contradiction in terms which leads to mixed-up type descriptions.

Socionics, a system based in Russia, correctly identifies the dominant functions for each type and is, consequently, more accurate in its characterizations. Learn more about this system at Wikisocion.net

**Every season forms a quadrant of the zodiac, with three signs in each. The middle (fixed) sign of each quadrant expresses the opposite energy of the quadrant (for balance). In withdrawn Winter, Aquarius is gregarious. In energetic Spring, Taurus is mellow. In industrious Summer, Leo is carefree. In opinionated Autumn, Scorpio remains an observer. ~Also, an astrology birthchart is multifaceted and, therefore, cannot be used to ascertain one’s type with certainty.
